I hopped in an Uber and prayed for the best, but definitely expected the worst. I was surprised–and not in a good way–that my drop off location was someone’s home and not a hotel, convention center or any other venue that may house a professional conference.
Very few people can say they started their own business on their lunch break, but Christina Conrad of Boobypack did just that.
DCFerguson led a rally on Wednesday evening for Freddie Gray, the unarmed black man who died after his spine was severed while he was in police custody. Last night’s march in began on the corner of H and 7th Streets NW around 7 p.m.
Each speaker encouraged the young men in the room to take a stand for gender equality—not just through a nonprofit or advocacy, but by shutting down sexist jokes and inappropriate advances made by other young men, even their friends.
In the age of lean in and a likely female presidential front-runner, it seems a fitting moment to celebrate and discuss Women’s History month.
It’s easy to get bogged down in over-zealous green marketing campaigns when trying to find high-quality food that is also produced in an environmentally responsible way. Check out the following compilation of local restaurants with local, fresh and eco-friendly menus.